Applied Mechanics &
Materials Design Lab
[Jan 2024]
- Taeyeop won the "기계공학과 대학원 학술제 Oral부문 최우수상" in SungKyunKwan University. Congratulations!
- Jaeseong won the "기계공학과 대학원 학술제 Oral부문 최우수상" in SungKyunKwan University. Congratulations!
[Aug 2023]
- Euimin won the "우수상" in 2023 SKKU Research Matters scholarship. Congratulations!
[Jun 2023]
- Taeyeop won the "우수 논문상" in 대한기계학회 재료 및 파괴 부문 2023년 춘계학술대회. Congratulations!
[Apr 2023]
- Jeehoo won the "우수 포스터 발표상" in 한국 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회 2023. Congratulations!
[Mar 2023]
- Hyunsun won the "우수 논문상" in 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 2022년 춘계학술대회. Congratulations!
- Gyeonguk won the "우수 논문상" in 대한기계학회 신뢰성부문 2022년 춘계학술대회. Congratulations!
[Jan 2023]
- Euimin won the "YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD" in International Conference on Materials and Reliability 2022. Congratulations!
- Euimin won the "기계공학과 대학원 학술제 Oral부문 최우수상" in SungKyunKwan University. Congratulations!
[Jan 2022]
- Euimin won an SKKU Research Matters scholarship. Congratulations!
[Apr 2021]
- Injun won 우수학위논문상 from KSME. Congratulations!
[Oct 2019]
- Haechan won another poster award in the 2019 International Conference on Materials and Reliability. Congratulations!
[Oct 2019]
- Haechan won a poster award in 2019 추계 금속재료학회. Congratulations!
[Apr 2019]
- Euimin won the "Best Paper Award" in 대한기계학회 재료 및 파괴부문 춘계학술대회 2019. Congratulations!
[Feb 2019]
- Our work on diffusion kinetics of metallic glasses was accepted to Scripta Materialia. Congratulations!
- Daegun (Undergrad researcher)'s work was accepted to Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Congratulations!
[August 2018]
- Euimin won the "Best Paper Award" in Emerging Technologies of Mechanical Engineering 2018. Congratulations!
[August 2018]
- Two papers on combinatorial resistance - temperature sensors and phase transformation of shape memory alloys were published in Acta Materialia.
[Sep 2017]
- Applied Mechanics and Materials Design Lab is getting started!
[Aug 2016]
- Our work on metallic glasses is featured in News Feature in Nature 533, 22–25 (May 2016) [link], Harvard SEAS News [link], EurekAlert! (Aug 2016) [link], and (Aug 2016) [link].
2024.01. Taeyeop won the "기계공학과 대학원 학술제 Oral부문 최우수상" in SungKyunKwan University | 2024.01. Jaeseong won the "기계공학과 대학원 학술제 Oral부문 최우수상" in SungKyunKwan University |